How do I invite a friend/colleague/client?

In the top menu, please click on 'People & Groups' to navigate to the overview of all people you have invited to the platform. Under the 'People' section, click on the 'Invite' button and you will see that there are three equivalent ways to invite a friend - you can choose the one that works best for you.

The first way is to copy a unique invite code and share it with your friend/colleague. They can enter it in their profile by clicking on the 'Accept Invite' button.

The second way is to share a unique invitation link with them. By clicking on this link, they will accept your invitation to connect and share results with you.

The third way is to specify the email address of your friend/colleague and click 'Send invitation'. As a result, the person will receive an invitation to the email with instructions on how to take the test. 

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